Monday, November 23, 2009

Green Talk

With all the recent catastrophic calamities that have hit the Philippines and the other Asian countries, super typhoons after super typhoons, experts are attributing these strange weather to climate change.

I believe that all governments, collectively have to to come up with a solutions to address the problem and to implement them as urgently as possible. We are aware that the issue of climate change widely dominates most nation summits such as the G8. However, I feel that there is something more that needs to be done and hastily.

Climate change is a major problem. Thus to solve it, it will require an insurmountable amount of efforts to diminish the destructive effects of it and to delay the imminent absolute destuction of the planet we all live in (this is an exaggeration, I hope).

Each one of us should start to contribute even if we think it is just a very small act. Imagine if we all do something now like recycling whatever we can or conserving energy, in toto, that would really mean a lot.

Philippines has a long way to go in tackling this problem. tsk, tsk, tsk.

Here is a snippet of the movie from Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth that mainly highlight the devastating effects of global warming.

There is nothing in Youtube that feature the full film in English only in French.

There is also a must-see movie that discusses climate change in a different approach called HOME by a French journalist and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Go to this link (if you have not yet click the link above), as it did not allow me to embed the video.

Hope it will have an impact on you as it had on me.

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